Nancy Mace


Sorry, I don’t do honorable. They used to be, our congressmen, at one time, I now believe it a den of liars and thieves.

Congress works for about half a year, the rest of the time is spent lobbying for funds or favors or maybe how to write a pay raise in a bill that looks like something else.

Republicans never wanted Trump, They wanted that piece-of-shit Romney who now says he won't even vote Republican. The “Republicans” are still supporting him no-doubt.

Rep. Justin Amash over the weekend of (May 20, 2019) called for the impeachment of President Trump on Twitter. The only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR. He hates America. Seriously??? What kind of vetting did they do?? By the by, we have been @ war with lslam for over 100 years, it is so written in their quam (it is a slur, get over it) just too many congressmen getting money from the Taliban to admit it.

The republicans supported two Bushes, John McCain, Fuc*** Romney, Susan Collins (R-Main) Lisa Murkowski ( R-Alaska). Cory Gardmer (R-CO) Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Mike Enzi (R–WY) Johnny Isakson (R–GA), Dan Sullivan (R–Alaska), Rob Portman (R–OH) all people working against conservative principles. Than there is Liz Cheney, and she was in charge and she crapped in their face, in their house and all over their free lunch at D.C. before the imbeciles in the Republican party did anything. I bet she still gets support the next election.

The Republicans knew obama was illegal and you did nothing about it, NOTHING!!! The only thing worse than a liar are the people protecting one. The democrats tried 8 times to change the law that made him illegal in the 22 months before he was elected. It is in (or was) in the congressional record (or on my WEB site) and they did nothing but accept bribes, kick backs, and go on tax payer paid vacations. The Republicans have such poor taste in character, probably from licking so many assholes.

“People talk to me about the problem of republican verses democrat but they don't get it. Here is the way to look at it, It is organized crime. All you do is call the Republicans the Genovese and the Democrats the Gambinos... The people at the top treat it like a crap game. It is their crap game and they are making lots of money. Occasionally at the table somebody shoots each other but the moment anything threatens their crap game they all unite to protect it....They are both controlled by the same financial and corporate interest.”

Not saying you are, Yet. If you wallow in a pig stye your going to get mistaken for a pig.

Good Luck